Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Movie Review of SUPERBAD

Well, I am not the type of person that gives my opinion on movies, but this movie was so bad that i feel that I have to inform the public at large about. i just went to see this movie with my soon to be 16 yar old son. the movie theater was not very crowded, being a wednesday morning but there were a great number of people thare and of a very great age range. Wel you know that the movie is bad when there were only about three laughs from the audience. I can only count twice that my son luaghed. You could argue that he did not laugh becasuse his Dad was with him, but he has a good sense of humor and humor was something that was completely missing from this movie. SuperBad makes Porky's (I, II, or III) look like high quality storytelling. At least you understood what the guys were trying to accomplish in Porky's. In SuperBad, I could not tell if the characters were going through a coming of age story or was a Broke back mountain story with high school kids.

I was very surpised at the overall lack of a storyline or plot. Now you may think "Come on it was a Stupid Teen Movie !!! It is about Drinking, Sex and no plot! ! !" That is just it, the movie seemed to be a continous run of random scenes that made no connection. This Movie seemed to be as coherent as a group of text messages. A lot of broken pharses and no meaning.

So I would avoid this movie and go see Rush Hour 3 at least you will get a story line and action .


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